Astrology Hawaii

Astrology provides a useful perspective on life complete with timing. Used wisely, astrology can answer questions, give meaning to life’s challenges, and a sense of direction when making important choices

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Seasonal Changes bring Changing Perspectives

Neptune and Pluto are both at the end degrees of the signs they have traveled for many years and are about to move into new signs next spring. They are displaying the final grasping fingers of the old paradigm of control by fear, bold lies, illusion, and damaging propaganda that make people fear that everything is going backwards.

Big Hopes, Big Surprises, Big Changes

Do not let the political atmosphere sweep you up emotionally. Hold your personal course in this time of changes. Focus on the world you want to create.

On the Edge of Social Shifts

This is Gemini Season, another emphasis on the Air Element. As each planet slides from Earth Taurus, where the energy is comfortable, safe, and slow moving, they make an easy trine aspect to Pluto in the first degree of Aquarius. The Sun ingressed to Gemini on May 20, starting the shift of energy and attention to the realm of ideas, reasoning, and the whole creative flow that allows inspiration to arise.

Revolutionary New Beginnings

The benefic, Venus, enters its own territory of Taurus on April 30. The trend this month is to find comfort, to soothe and nurture. Venus brings to the group of planets already in the sign, reminders of the values that make life worth living. Venus travels under the Sun’s beams. Its influence is happening in private meetings, and out of the public notice. The new phase of Venus’ cycle will be helpful in resolving relationship issues, improving peace negotiations, and solving food shortages. Venus is now the driving influence of the planets still traveling in Taurus.

Evolutionary Turns of Society

 The day before the Lunar Eclipse, was a shocking situation occurring in obscure circumstances that leaves a great many questions. On March 23, in Baltimore harbor, a 155,000-ton Singaporean Cargo ship, Dali, operated by Ukrainian Pilot and Co-Pilot, crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge at 1:36 am, causing the 1.6-mile bridge to completely collapse, blocking the harbor entrance and completely stalling transit from the ninth largest port in America

Seeds of Change and New Directions

Venus enters Pisces on March 11, and this brings more peace and agreement to the tone of interpersonal actions. As a move toward Spring, Venus can inspire clean-up projects, as beautification and kindness are the themes in Pisces. Venus is exalted in the dignity of Pisces. World events will reflect the emollient influence of Venus with hopeful agreements for a ceasefire on multiple fronts. 

Norma Jean Ream

When times are hard, there is nothing more comforting than the sense of possibilities and awareness of time that a knowledgeable astrologer can provide.

Norma Jean’s work with clients is always individualized to the client’s needs. The depth and breadth of her education and training give her a variety of tools to work with. Her Kepler studies included the cross-cultural exploration of western and Vedic systems, as well as Classical and Hellenistic systems of astrology. Norma Jean continues personal research in the timing techniques of Hellenistic astrology as a special interest. Norma Jean lives with her family on the Hilo side of the Big Island of Hawaii. In this serene tropical environment, Norma Jean works with clients for all over the globe. For her, “location is not a limitation.”

90 Minute Personal Consultation

The purpose of a personal consultation is multi-faceted. The self reflection serves to anchor empowerment in decision making. Using your natal chart as the framework of your life, your strengths and weaknesses are discussed as relative to how you are experiencing life in this moment.

Relationship and Astrological Compatability

A comparison of individual styles will give insight to how any relationship works. Often the struggles between intimate couples comes from a lack of understanding of unspoken expectations. Astrology helps to identify the quality of interactions at various levels of relating. 

Electional Astrology

Planning events that make an important impact on our lives. Events such as marriage, buying property, starting a business, or signing important contracts can benefit form astrological consideration. Classical astrology, particularly that practiced in the middle ages, has specific rules for creating success by choosing appropriate times.

Horary Astrology

From the Medieval period, astrology was used to answer important questions. The rules are very similar to those used in Electional astrology. Some basic things must be said about this work.

The person asking the question must have a real need to know the answer.