Scorpio Season: Time to Plan for Contingencies

Scorpio Season: Time to Plan for Contingencies

November is Scorpio season. A century ago, this was a time for preparation and preservation. Our society no longer times activities based on agriculture and farming. We think about sport seasons and things important to a society focused on seasonal entertainment. This year, we might want to think more about how we sustain ourselves and take less for granted.

The Season of Political Drama

The Season of Political Drama

The shift in Pluto’s direction will be a tipping point of decisions that will bring a flood of disclosures from investigations that bring a change of perspective on issues of power, influence, control, domination of ideas, and the trickle-down effect caused by the involvement by giant corporations and through power collusion among leaders, all Pluto ideas.

Hawaii’s New Challenge to Old Cultures

Hawaii’s New Challenge to Old Cultures

Hawaii and the Maui Wildfire aftermath is our local focus of attention…,
The tone of the message from government authorities leans toward sympathetic and attentiveness to the problems and the needs of people in distress. While, aside from those statements, there are legislative actions occurring “quietly” that may compromise the rights of the Hawaiian people to hold onto their lands and the reverent recognition of their cultural traditions.

August: A Time for Examining Truth

August: A Time for Examining Truth

The New Moon phases this year have occurred in mid-month, giving the light of the Full Moons to the beginning of the calendar month. August 1, the Full Moon in Aquarius, and Sun in Leo, put emphasis on our social lives and the opportunity to offer the best of...

The Summer of Water Events and Political Upsets

The Summer of Water Events and Political Upsets

End of June, as Cancer Sun Season heats up the news is full of stories of Water-element events, including the lack of water. As in one case in Quechan, Mexico where the ruins of a 16th century church become fully risen from the reservoir which covered it 60 years ago....

June 2023 Stars Over Puna

June 2023 Stars Over Puna

The entrance into June has the Moon being a trigger to make us aware of the global squeeze on consolidation of power by the ageing elites who have recently been discussing and deciding the future of our world. April and May had potent eclipses which initiate changes...

May Brings New Information and Drama on the World Stage

May Brings New Information and Drama on the World Stage

The New Moon on May 19 has a combination of powerful influences that could calm or incite the global power struggle between US, Russia, and China. Jupiter, Pluto, Mars, and the South Node all have aspects to the similar strong planets of each of these national horoscopes as well as the NATO Treaty. The potential for a new agreement holds benefit for all.

February Stars Over Puna 2023

February Stars Over Puna 2023

February opens with Leo Full Moon, followed by romantic Venus-Neptune conjunction week, and lending to the fertility of the close of the month. New beginnings, better times, and future visions are February’s message.

Libra Ingress 2022

Libra Ingress 2022

The Ascendant of this chart is a seasonal look at developing situations on American soil, we take in to account the People of the nation and their conditions and sentiments. The Ascendant is 17 Taurus, Uranus rising. Taurus, ruled by Venus in Virgo in the fifth house, blends a message of radical change, an alert to the potential of abrupt disruptions, calling for preparation, conservation, and attention to security, individual and collective, homes and communities.

Eris Pokes the Bear

Eris Pokes the Bear

World tensions are ramped up this Summer with high voltage astrological event that occurred last in May 1855, that is the combination of Mars/North Node/Uranus conjunction in Taurus, spiking up the energies of independence, rebellion and pushing limits of territory...