Current Transits

New Promises of Peace

New Promises of Peace

This New Moon marks the Chinese New Year beginning the Year of the Snake, symbolizing reflection,
growth, and personal transformation. The Snake’s characteristics include being wise, calm, strategic,
determined and goal oriented. It will be less of the fiery tempest of the Dragon of 2024.

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Welcome to the New World of 2025

Welcome to the New World of 2025

Pluto’s final ingress into Aquarius was November 19. Pluto can dredge-up history, uncover the past, and expose criminal level misdeeds, and Aquarius is a sign that seeks honesty and Truth. The period covered by the Mars opposition to Pluto will activate a battle to bring forward the Truth against the powerful who strive to suppress and dismiss damages done.

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We might hold hope for conflicts to not go to extremes by the first quarter Moon phase on December 8th, in compassionate Pisces. Venus, the planet that soothes and pacifies heat has ingressed into Aquarius and is passing over Pluto, giving an emollient theme of rational connectivity to the combination of energies and allowing the space to review values. The second week of the month is quieter as we reach a period of deliberation with less feeling of intensity.

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A Confusing Election Like Never Before 

A Confusing Election Like Never Before 

Both sides will have claims of success, leading to confusion and heated debates in the week following the election. Mercury, the planet most relevant to counting and certifying votes will be in a difficult challenge with Saturn…

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The Season of Relationship Challenges

The Season of Relationship Challenges

The second Fall eclipse is a Total Solar south node eclipse in Libra, the sign of balance, diplomacy,
negotiations, and justice is on October 2. This period between the eclipses seems to have an emphasis
on international and interpersonal relationships.

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Seasonal Changes bring Changing Perspectives

Seasonal Changes bring Changing Perspectives

Neptune and Pluto are both at the end degrees of the signs they have traveled for many years and are about to move into new signs next spring. They are displaying the final grasping fingers of the old paradigm of control by fear, bold lies, illusion, and damaging propaganda that make people fear that everything is going backwards.

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On the Edge of Social Shifts

On the Edge of Social Shifts

This is Gemini Season, another emphasis on the Air Element. As each planet slides from Earth Taurus, where the energy is comfortable, safe, and slow moving, they make an easy trine aspect to Pluto in the first degree of Aquarius. The Sun ingressed to Gemini on May 20, starting the shift of energy and attention to the realm of ideas, reasoning, and the whole creative flow that allows inspiration to arise.

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Revolutionary New Beginnings

Revolutionary New Beginnings

The benefic, Venus, enters its own territory of Taurus on April 30. The trend this month is to find comfort, to soothe and nurture. Venus brings to the group of planets already in the sign, reminders of the values that make life worth living. Venus travels under the Sun’s beams. Its influence is happening in private meetings, and out of the public notice. The new phase of Venus’ cycle will be helpful in resolving relationship issues, improving peace negotiations, and solving food shortages. Venus is now the driving influence of the planets still traveling in Taurus.

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