An interesting event occurred just after the full Moon closing out February that sets forward, some yet to be disclose decisions that will be affecting families, women, and children in the year ahead. Because our main media is soft on straight forward reporting, there is often a delay in people grasping the totality of government decisions, especially from Congress.

On February 28, a rare triple conjunction of Sun, Mercury and Saturn happened at 9 degrees of Pisces. Planets passing over the ‘heart’ of the Sun is something we cannot see and represents a serious private conversation with the President and his agents of government action. The Sun dictates the purpose and creates the plan. Mercury designs the message and negotiates the deals. Saturn establishes restrictions, cuts, and limitations. Saturn prefers to be covert and conceal the most important parts of decision-making. March 1 is the deadline for the potential Government Shutdown.

The end of the lunar cycle is about laying the ground for the next New Moon. The waning phase of any cycle is a process of closure, finishing, preparation and planning for the new thrust of action. For the rest of us living our daily lives, we feel the need to gather in community and plan together for securing our alliances, supporting needs and the security of neighborhoods. There is a growing spirit of collaboration and cooperation in general. 

This period of days before the Spring Ingress on March 19, is different this year with Saturn passing through Pisces and completely out of the dignity it held since 2018. We will learn more of the truth of these recent years about what we did not know during the imposition of a literal Lockdown as only Saturn can produce when joined with other planets of power and control. March will still be a soft disclosure of the results of that time, while the information comes seeping out, slowing at first.

The March 9 New Moon still in Pisces is contained between separating from Saturn, representing the expected proper behaviors or rules and standards, and moving to join with Neptune, the planet of blending, merging, and running over boundaries. Neptune can reflect the collective hope and dreams of people, and their ideals. 

The arc between Pluto at the beginning of Aquarius to Uranus at the last 10 degrees of Taurus, puts the half-way point or midpoint at 2 degrees before Neptune. This means that the power of those planets of dramatic change, drive for independence and revolution has a focal point as something responding to the evolution of the collective dream: to grow and expand spiritually moving toward more self-empowered individuals, all working for a better life.

Yet, it can also be that pressure is on the US Government to do some reorganizing to maintain stability. Otherwise, we can be experiencing turbulent times in a general way. There is a mark of violence in the New Moon chart which could be directed at specific groups. These are more mainland issues than what we experience in Hawaii. Yet, be careful driving. Watch out for “hot-headed” folks who will make themselves known over very little provocation. Mercury enters Aries on the day of the New Moon, suggesting that mental energy can be sharp and quick, but so can words falling out without much thought. Business dealings can also move quickly, especially if there has previously been delay, things can finish abruptly over the next two weeks.

Venus enters Pisces on March 11, and this brings more peace and agreement to the tone of interpersonal actions. As a move toward Spring, Venus can inspire clean-up projects, as beautification and kindness are the themes in Pisces. Venus is exalted in the dignity of Pisces. World events will reflect the emollient influence of Venus with hopeful agreements for a ceasefire on multiple fronts. 

The Spring Equinox is at 5:06 pm on March 19, in Hawaii. The harsh aspects of the New Moon separate and Mars, planet of action and drive, moves into Pisces on March 22, where the mode of operation can shift into a more sluggish, or slippery themes, vague language, and insincere claims and directives. 

Venus meets with Saturn through this period suggesting innovative solutions in international relationships. Personal relationships may also be evaluating better commitment for mutual happiness. Saturn loses much of its rigid structure in Pisces. Consider Saturn in Pisces with Venus, as a figure of rational, conventional thinking opening to the fluidity of change and harmonious possibilities within society and global community. Then, Mars joins in and there is a ray of hope that the discussion turns to new options outside of war and destruction. 

The three important planets in Pisces, impart their influence as each giving orders to other planets. In this case, Mars rules Aries where Mercury is with Chiron, the healer, and Eris, who wants justice and inclusion for everyone. On March 22 and 23, the Moon is waxing to full, in Virgo, the sign of helping others, in opposition to the Pisces collective. This is shining awareness on where healing energy needs to flow. This Moon is a Total Lunar Eclipse on March 25 at 5 degrees Libra, sign of relationships, agreements, and finding balance. 

The last week of March has the pair of planets thought of as difficult. Mars and Saturn are in Pisces together for a few weeks. They conjunct on April 9 at 14 Pisces. Venus continues later into Pisces conjoining Neptune on April 4. The feelings of good will, hopefulness, and cooperation lead us into the Solar Eclipse coming on April 8th. This one will cross America and its path will pass over the points of two previous Solar Eclipses. This is an exciting time for our Country that sets the theme of New Beginnings, and feelings that will strengthen the Nation through its people, not its military.