The month of April is full of exciting, and shocking events that are not simply local, but influence world events and political exchanges around the globe. The Eclipse season spans the Lunar phase two weeks before and after both the Lunar and Solar Eclipses. Eclipses are turning points where the awareness of what is out of public view becomes more apparent and more people notice the events that illuminate what is obscured by the Sun’s light.

 The day before the Lunar Eclipse, was a shocking situation occurring in obscure circumstances that leaves a great many questions. On March 23, in Baltimore harbor, a 155,000-ton Singaporean Cargo ship, Dali, operated by Ukrainian Pilot and Co-Pilot, crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge at 1:36 am, causing the 1.6-mile bridge to completely collapse, blocking the harbor entrance and completely stalling transit from the ninth largest port in America. Was it a simple “loss of power,” or a subversive action? Watch my website ( for more articles addressing this major event.

 In the chart for the event, Mars at 0 Pisces, is without aspects to other planets, leaving Mars to act on impulse or whims of luck. Mars is the planet of action, movement, crashes, accidents, and injuries. Mars will have its biannual conjunction with Saturn on April 10 at 14 Pisces. This is like having one foot on the gas while pulling on the emergency brake. Crashing a huge cargo ship into a 200-year-old bridge abutment is a dramatic example of the “full-stop” energy.

Hawaii is one of many places who rely heavily on shipping of goods by water. While Saturn transits the sign Pisces, there are likely to be more blockages and restrictions on water related transportation. Supply chains are going to be obstructed and will cause forced reorganization to be a major topic. That can mean that unique ideas and restructuring will make great improvements over old routes of transit. International trade route agreements improve, along with general American infrastructure.

On April 1, Mercury, the planet of information, collaboration, and commerce turns retrograde until April 25. This is a regular event happening every 4 months. One of the benefits of this phase of Mercury’s cycle is that reviews and re-assessments help us make changes that improve how business and personal communications can evolve and grow. We tend to hesitate or change our decisions during this 3-week period. Once Mercury retraces its path in direct motion again, we can feel more confident in decisions and changes we are ready to make by mid-May when it completes its shadow and moves into fresh territory.

Venus enters Aries on April 4, a sign of detriment for the planet of peace and love. But where Venus travels, she brings a sense of softening the hard edges and easing tensions. In the United States chart, Aries is the area of homeland, family, and traditions. It gives us the sense of caring for our homeland and a feeling of brotherhood and finding resolutions without hostility.

April 8 is the Total Solar Eclipse with its path passing from Southwest to Northeast crossing the Continental United States from Texas to Maine. The path crosses the eclipse paths of October 14, 2023 and the Total Solar Eclipse of August 17, 2017. This brings a great deal of attention to events centered in America that will influence the rest of the World.

This Eclipse is a most potent astrological event! The Lunation is at the degree of the Sun’s Exaltation in Aries, the sign of ‘I Am,’ supporting the idea of powerful influences on the advancement of Humanity in general and the opportunity for individual personal development of the power of Intention, Individuation, and Soul Empowerment. The USA will not see another Total Eclipse for 20 years. The influences of this time call out our awareness of how things are changing and giving us more power to choose our future without censorship and the suppression of ideas and information. 

On April 19, the Sun is entering Taurus and in a hard square to Pluto. The inferior planets are under cover of the Sun’s beams. Mercury, planet of intelligence and information, with Venus the planet of diplomacy and harmonious agreements, are joined with Chiron, the wounded healer returned to its own place in the US chart. The group of Aries planets is in the US chart area of homeland and traditions, and they are in opposition to US Saturn, representing the Congress. Expect that there is a movement developing at the grass-roots level of the population. 

The next important astrological event this year is the conjunction of Jupiter with Uranus on April 21. The pair have a long interactive cycle with seven phases of conjunctions every 12 years, over the 84 years of Uranus’ cycle. The successive conjunctions of expansive Jupiter with Uranus’ revolutionary influences of authenticity contribute to societal shifts.

This conjunction in 2024 links historically with the May 8, 1941 Jupiter Uranus conjunction at 25 Taurus, that also included Sun, Saturn, Mercury, and Venus, all six planets under the Sun’s beams. This stellium reflects the team conference of national government powers in making decisions behind closed doors. In that chart, Mars was in Aquarius and near the position of the USA Moon, (the people), and square Jupiter, and Uranus. The consensus of those in power was focused on the safety and security of the Nation. On December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japanese planes. Two days later, Hitler declared war on the United States, forcing the Nation into active participation in the war. The People rallied.

This current period is not easy to predict what new developments will come forward. Mars and Saturn are the malefics and currently in Pisces, which can be a struggle of restrictive influences bogged down with hidden elements, secrets, concealments. 

 The astrology of this month suggests that it is not time for offensive actions of war. Instead, it seems there will be situations that are hidden, secret and have the potential to come from the populace rather than the military action of the government. Mars, planet of offense and defense, is square the national Mars and opposed national Neptune. It is operating in Pisces, stealthily under the surface, submerged in the emotional realm. It is going to be hard to see what is coming next. 

 Mars is also in a positive aspect to Jupiter and Uranus conjunction, which represents an evolutionary shift in the archetypal process of growth in Civilization, affecting all Humanity. We are ready for deeper insights showing the direction of greater inner awareness of personal and collective development. Taking our power and living in a way that respects all of life becomes a wider theme in coming years.

 The Full Moon on April 23 is at 4 degrees of Scorpio, which squares Pluto, now at 2 degrees Aquarius. We can expect international tensions to be high and some leaders in a stand-off. We could see the fall of some powerful leaders over the course of the year.

 Shipping lanes and commercial routes used for transporting fuel and goods are the focus of negotiations as Mercury stations direct on the North Node. New agreements with nations, like China and the Netherlands, who have control over vast water shipping routes will bring relief to many nations waiting for deliveries. New deals, forward motion, and adjustments of expectations of timing start to relieve blockages. 

 Mars enters its own sign of Aries on April 30. Now there will be movement and quick action and Mercury also direct in Aries gets the flow of agreements allowing opening of blocked zones. Venus has also entered its own sign of Taurus improving the flow of food and fuel. The coming month should bring much improvement and hope.