February begins with the impetus to evaluate and clear space in our lives for new beginnings. There is a strong influence of sorting out what works and what needs changing, or adapting, to get the best and most benefit from what we already have. This deep part of winter season is when the potential of our accomplishments is often dependent on outside forces like weather, supply availability, and the capabilities of the moment or situation.

The themes of observation and reflection for the first week of February are useful for gaining the energy to organize, shape-up, or reconstruct areas of our lives. This period is influenced by Mercury, Mars, and Venus as they finish their transits through Capricorn, Saturn’s practical pragmatic sign. Each of the inner planets has a special use in our lives in February. 

Mercury helps to reason, plan, sort, evaluate, analyze, and put factors in a summation that gives order to our thinking and decision-making. This helps with bringing our visions, dreams, artistic urges into a form. Mercury met with Mars on January 27. This is a positive cycle of bringing ideas into action, a plan into execution. When we have a clear picture of the situation, we hold the knowing and put attention on the goal. 

Venus is also traveling in Capricorn where social skills help us make connections by attracting others with shared interests and values. Venus has a lucky status in Capricorn that makes it easy to be in the right place at the right time. The discernment over quality, and value toward necessity and utility over frivolous things will steer us toward our goals, bringing our friends along.

Mercury enters Aquarius and joins Pluto on February 5. There could be some dramatic events that grab our attention then and that may call for humanitarian aid. There are multiple arenas on the world stage now that could be endangered by war or natural disasters. This aspect suggests major disruptions of business, transportation, and communications. The personal caution of this is to moderate strong opinions of the moment. Extreme is the keyword as each planet passes into Aquarius and conjuncts with Pluto. Mercury (words, thoughts, ideas) will mark early February as a call to order. Pay attention to the unsaid as well as the said. 

These energies of mental strategy can be used for brainstorming on useful new options for serving smaller cooperative communities. We can better see how to serve our community’s needs when we consider the larger possibilities and what tools are available to work with. Think in broad strokes.

The New Moon is on the 9th is actively challenged by Uranus in Taurus, underscoring the energy of freedom, and revolutionary spirit. This reinforces the feeling that it is time to make changes that are supportive to what really matters in life, our relationships and to secure survival which can take many people away from the old standard of what it means to “make a living.” Living for the quality of life that suits a new era where creative self-expression is valued. Cooperation and Collaboration are the new motto to make a better life.

At a time when the discussion is about a Central Digital financial structure, there is a marked increase in people’s claim to power over their personal choices, especially relative to one’s body, community, and country. The trend is toward establishing authenticity in how people want to become more involved in what matters to them. Groups and allies are characteristic of Aquarius. New groups will form to rally for mutual causes. Sometimes they can have autocratic views.

Over the next week, February 12 through 17, Mars and then Venus enter Aquarius and join Pluto. Mars and Pluto together can form some threat to Peace as powerfully, explosive energy that marks the “line in the sand” and force dangerous issues to a break point. 

Venus and Mars add support to this Aquarius fashion, giving emphasis of shared power in new relationship dynamics. Mars and Venus conjunct on the 21st marking their new 2-year cycle as archetypes of lovers. They each rule 2 sets of opposite signs. They come to agreement through displays of passion. Yet, the influence of the rational, cooperative theme of Aquarius does keep reactions calmer.

All Planets are direct in motion, a factor shown in how quickly ideas and information flow into initiating a movement. Aquarius is the sign of the collective, group mind, with an orientation of authenticity, and self-reflection.  Saturn is the traditional ruler of Aquarius. Saturn’s priority is establishing order and boundaries. However, it is currently in Pisces, a water sign that is inclusive and “without boundaries.” Thus, a situation arises that calls for new solutions.

The third week, February 18 to 24, starts with the Sun’s entrance to Pisces and the Moon transits Cancer, its home a few days, contributing to relaxed energy allowing good relations to generate. Yet, as the Moon waxes to Fullness in Virgo, February 24, it is important to pay attention to subtleties.  Virgo is the sign of details, and ruled by Mercury, currently in the sign of its detriment, letting in the potential of events occurring in secret, behind closed doors, and beyond normal channels. 

Jupiter is moving quickly ahead in Taurus and is relative to the idea of sanctuary, a safe place. At the Full Moon, issues can be magnified. Jupiter receives a challenging aspect from Venus, and then Mars, signaling that pushing our demands for selfish desires or self-serving interests can stir up trouble. This week will highlight weaknesses in relationships. It might be better to give in a little and build camaraderie than to force others into a tight spot. 

An interesting event happens on the 28th. Mercury, Saturn, and the Sun will join in a rare triple conjunction. This is representative of the President in private meetings with important dignitaries. Important things will come out of this meetup. This is the type of group aspect that will turn situations one way or the other. Mercury will bridge the gap with a positive aspect to Jupiter, bringing hopeful conclusions to a rather tense period.