The first days of May are still vibrating with the many dynamic energies initiated in the month of April. The four-minute Total Solar Eclipse on April 8 that swept across the nation from the Pacific coast of Mexico, up through Texas, to the Northeast corner of Canada was breathtaking for millions of people. The path was especially exciting in central Texas where the previous October 2023 eclipse path from Oregon down to the gulf crossed the same small zone of Texas. Eclipse energies resonate for prolonged periods, as a sensitive influence in world affairs.
Add to that event the April 20, Jupiter conjunct Uranus at 22 Taurus, is establishing a new 84-year cycle. The two planets join roughly every 14 years, in the successive twelve signs of the Zodiac. They are considered planets of exciting new thoughts, discoveries, and scientific and technical developments. Their conjunction stimulates the type of energies that promote space exploration, and ways of ‘lifting us off the ground’ through ideas that advance our lives. Artificial Intelligence is only one fractal of the swift and amazing changes that are coming in the world in the next 14-year cycle.
The benefic, Venus, enters its own territory of Taurus on April 30. The trend this month is to find comfort, to soothe and nurture. Venus brings to the group of planets already in the sign, reminders of the values that make life worth living. Venus travels under the Sun’s beams. Its influence is happening in private meetings, and out of the public notice. The new phase of Venus’ cycle will be helpful in resolving relationship issues, improving peace negotiations, and solving food shortages. Venus is now the driving influence of the planets still traveling in Taurus.
Mars also enters its own sign of Aries on May 1, ready to forge ahead where courage and leadership are needed. The Moon is in Aquarius with Pluto, as it stations retrograde on May 2. Mars will have a few days in a positive, negotiating sextile aspect to Pluto. Their energies together intensify and double down on the focus of events that are moving situations into marked decision of one way or the other. In police or military action, the steps taken next could turn the tables. Situations of protests, and public resistance will take our attention during the first week.
The New Moon on May 7, at 18 Taurus could trigger big events as the Sun, Moon and Venus mix in with Uranus and Jupiter, through May 25. The emphasis of Taurus is about values, security, and currency. The Jupiter-Uranus marks a movement in society towards a re-evaluation of the dynamics of democracy that allows truer citizen participation, perhaps a revision of how voting and voicing choices toward the collective directive can be done, so that government serves the people rather than controls and enslaves.
It is good to recognize that Pluto in Aquarius reflects the timing and the events that formed and structured the US government and the idea of nationalism historically from the 1780’s. There are new dynamics in today’s global picture that will bring out a revitalization of what it means to have “a government of the people, for the people, by the people.” The power of the today’s wealthy is greater now than the power of the Monarchies of the 18th Century. The Oligarchy of the self-appointed World Economic Forum sets up a great challenge to individual freedom, as well as to national autonomy. There is a seed period here that could develop into a greater issue than people are thinking about: Global World Government.
Saturn, the planet of structure and order, is in a harmonious supportive aspect to the stellium in Taurus, mixing the visionary qualities of universal connectivity of Pisces with the revolutionary, activating breakthrough themes of the Jupiter-Uranus signature. Mid-May could bring events that are hard to predict because of the uniqueness of these times. Consciousness on the planet is awakening to greater awareness and with a focus in a new direction. It could be an exciting moment in history.
At this New Moon, Mercury is conjunct Chiron, the Wounded Healer and Eris, the feminine warrior, all in Aries. The trio symbolize the undertones of establishing a stand for Women’s rights to make choices regarding their own bodies, and human rights, in general, to alleviate the suffering of war.
Mercury represents political messages, speeches, announcements. The intellectual movements that start at universities with protests and demonstrations tend to express the undercurrent of changes coming through society. Aries represents the power of the individual and autonomy. Mars, as ruler is strong, representing action, energy, force, and fierceness behind the social movements that will build quickly through the next week.
In the week May 12 to 18, the Sun, followed by Venus, conjoins Uranus and then with Jupiter, bringing the energies to a peak, as Mercury enters Taurus on May 15th. The emphasis is on the things we value most in a society starting with compassion, and the joys of family life, and therefore reproduction rights are the end goal. Other important topics of religious freedoms, financial security, food security, and the integrity of the Justice system are bubbling with energy for change.
There could be drama in the White House, or something happens affecting President Biden and Vice President Harris. Harris may be stepping in to hold the place of the President temporarily. Harris comes more into the spotlight in this period. VP Harris could stand in for Biden in the next election. This month might be a turning point for President Biden.
The Sun enters Gemini on May 20, leading the pack of planets from fixed earth Taurus, into Mercury’s Air sign and initiating the positive, trine aspect to Pluto in Aquarius. Air signs allow things (ideas, concepts) to arise. Gemini is the sign of transit, communications, mercantile, agreements and negotiations. The dual nature of the sign tends to allow multiplicity in the possibilities of any transaction. The 20th Century began with the slow, rare conjunction of Pluto and Neptune in Gemini, initiating the great expansion of connectivity through communications, ways of travel, and new forms of energy.
On May 22, Venus and Jupiter conjoin, which is a positive energetic combination. The two benefics are making an agreement before they each move into Mercury’ sign. They both shake hands with Neptune during the Full Moon at 2 Sagittarius on May 23. These are planets associated with Peace and with visions of higher possibilities for humans to cooperate and cohabitate. Venus will trine Pluto, as Jupiter enters Gemini on the 25th. Venus is helpful in making agreements where power struggles have delayed resolution. But, this is a weakening of Jupiter’s status, entering its detriment, because it is opposite Jupiter’s home territory of Sagittarius.
Mars spends all of May in its own sign, Aries, which is the territory of the 4th house of the USA chart, the area of homeland and family ties. It will finish its sign by the 10th of June. When a planet has the power of its own domain, it expresses in its best behavior. In this case, Mars is less likely to be aggressive and making moves it will need to defend. It is more open to negotiations and protections.
The month ends with Mercury in conjunction with Uranus, the planet of new inventions and discoveries. Mercury’s announcements now will be surprising, unexpected news. This Summer is likely to be full of disclosures and released information that has been suppressed or withheld until now. People will be full of excitement.