December opens with a Full Moon phase in progress. Illumination and a hopeful attitude take us into the shortest days of light. After Thanksgiving feasting and Black Friday Shopping sales, we need to step back and curb the extravagance. Mercury, the planet of mental processes and of commerce enters the sober sign of Capricorn on December 1 and right away harmoniously connects with Saturn, ruler of the sign and overlord of rules and regulations, limitation, and restriction. This gives us the urge to prep and plan.

This may be a time to be cautious and prepared for breakdowns in the flow of shipped goods, and restrictions caused by supply chain problems due to weather and other unforeseen issues typical of winter. Saturn is moving in direct motion again through Pisces, the sign of water, activating themes of imagination and mystery, just as it began on March 8, 2023. We have seen countless scenes of water disasters. Saturn in Pisces is the wearing down of structures through the natural element of water, which can defy containment and take a variety of forms such as rain, snow, and ice.

Saturn’s cycle is 28-30 years and represents a generational social theme that tends to be inclusive and blended. Cooperation and collaboration in groups is a positive theme as we saw in 1965 to 1967 with development of communal communities and Cult groups. People naturally want to find ways of working together in challenging times.

Social concepts that have become accepted but were the prime taboo issues of conflict thirty and sixty years ago, such as racially and gender blended families. This perspective on Saturn can show how the traditional inflexible rules of society are worn away by the “tides of time.” Topics are revisited and mutated during successive cycles. This cycle will be rich in such social developments the closer Saturn moves to join with Neptune as they both complete the transit of Pisces in 2025. They meet on February 20, 2026 on the World Point, 0 Aries, to start a new era. 

December blends the themes of Sagittarius: gregarious and inclusive, with Capricorn: protective and exclusive. The end of the year gives us pause to remember what has been accomplished and what has been lost or sacrificed. There is an undertone of intensity in relationships with Venus’s transiting through Scorpio this month. Scorpio is the sign of detriment for Venus, in the Sign ruled by Mars, who is now in Sagittarius. This can be a distortion of facts by overreacting or placing too high a price on demands. Mars exaggerates its causes. Venus is also in opposition to Jupiter on December 9, with the Moon also in Scorpio through the weekend could make this time turbulent and emotional.

The New Moon midday on December 12 has Sun and Moon in Sagittarius in aspect of adjustment and compromise with Uranus, planet of radical revolution and change. This could be a conclusion, or judgment on a situation with surprising outcomes. Mercury, ruler of Gemini, stations retrograde in Capricorn at 9 pm, local time on the same day. Moon will square Neptune as its final aspect before entering Capricorn to meet with Mercury. There could be disillusionment over a decision or closure of a matter.

This leaves us in the place of reverence and remembrance of family and recent losses. Mercury in Capricorn is relative to laws and restrictions, investigations, and the results of studies. The middle week of December will spotlight new understandings by revelations of investigations. Mercury can reveal and expose information that is otherwise suppressed or hidden. By the time Mercury turns direct on January 2, 2024, we will all know more as pieces of a large puzzle fall into place by the 22nd, as Pluto again enters Aquarius. It is a process more than an event.

As the Winter Solstice is upon us, it is a harmonious time for social gatherings. Sun enters its Winter domain December 21 at 5:27 pm HST. In the early morning hours major adjustments and agreements will be made that can bring settlement to conflicts. The Moon joins Jupiter in the Moon’s exaltation sign of Taurus. This is a recognition of the value of life, home, and family. Next day the Moon will join with Uranus, planet of inspiration, innovative technology. We can be surprised by developments of events in the coming season. 

Then the Moon will oppose Venus, the host to peace, striving for harmony, connection, and fairness. The Moon’s last aspect is a trine to Pluto, the power of domination, in the last degree of Capricorn. The theme is about reaching agreements and offering terms that will address long-standing issues of borders and boundaries; complicated by religious differences and claims of ownership. This is a very hopeful combination of energies for peace in the Middle East as we approach Christmas.

More clarity comes with the last week of December with the Full Moon in Cancer on the 26th. This highlights the area of the USA chart that contains Sun, Venus, Jupiter representing the President and his policies, which offers peacemaking possibilities.

Mars and Mercury, under the Sun’s beams, (meaning unseen, meeting in private), and they square Neptune. This suggests that decisions about weapons, strength of military and the tools of war, are going on behind closed doors, unbeknownst to the public. The Sun will be trine Jupiter as it stations direct on the 30th. Venus will be entering Sagittarius after it gives a positive aspect to Pluto, adding to the theme of Peace for the New Year.

While the tone of my focus in this article leans to the larger mundane picture, you might consider how these energies are working in your personal lives. Where there has been disagreement and struggle, issues can be worked out harmoniously this month with a willingness to consider alternative resolutions to problems. The Uranus factor in this period can be seen as finding unique potential in resolving conflict, and inventing innovative solutions that respect each other in our differences.

The close of 2023 can be full of inspiration for the New Year. 

May your holidays be peaceful and loving and full of Aloha.