It is hard to miss the political drama in this Leo season. Big players, big events, and on-going changing details to the story. Theater is entertaining and it can also be educational. The month of August will have some new astrological aspects that can add dimensions to an already thick pot of elements.
The New Moon on August 4 is on the hottest degrees of the zodiac, middle Leo giving warmer temperatures. If you are lucky, on these next dark evenings you might get a glimpse of brilliant Venus and Mercury as evening stars as they just come out of the Sun’s rays. Mercury stations retrograde just before 7 pm Hawaii time. Mercury retraces its path until August 28, when it goes direct at 21 Leo, the same position it was on July 17th.
The first full week of August will seem mellow compared to how the month finishes. There are so many things to consider if your attention is on politics. Even the general daily business of life feels cooperative and helpful. The New Moon phase covers helping signs ruled by Mercury and Venus while the two of them meet again in Virgo on the sixth, a good day for analyzing, having team meetings to set strategy for next step planning of projects. Energy is congenial when decisions come to consensus.
Many news stories will cover ‘old news’ with ‘new details.’ Over the next three weeks, we will review and repeat the buzz of so many voices giving information that we furrow our brows over finding in ourselves what we personally think and choose. There is so much talk to digest. In the larger scheme of collective social desires many are at a crossing point in beliefs about what the world needs to shape a better future for families and the community.
There is a subtle shift in collective values turning to a resonance with better life-affirming desires. On Sunday, August 7, the Sun will harmoniously aspect Jupiter. These aspects are great for social events and sharing happy times. These energies bring people together with common needs and values. Great for team building and community cooperative activities.
Mars is quickly catching up with Jupiter in Gemini, the sign of duality, multiple choices, crossing ideas, all forms of media and communications, and short distance travel. This week before the Democratic Convention will be full of political chatter, advertisements, and propaganda to help people make their choices for leadership positions.
Mars meets Jupiter on August 14, as Mercury re-enters Leo, sign of Kingship, leadership, and big egos. Mercury is the ruler of Gemini, so this retrograde back to Leo changes the support behind Mars, bringing will, courage, and motivation, with Jupiter giving expansiveness and adding the theme of strong beliefs. The boost of energy is fun, exciting, and gregarious. But the energy can also turn aggressive and argumentative. The Moon cooperates as it passes through Sagittarius in opposition, adding more fire energy to the air of Gemini. Mars squares Saturn on the 15th. Authority figures are facing some fierce competition.
The middle week of August has the vibe of building excitement and gathering support. Strong statements of hyperbole are designed to hit our ears as fact, and this builds tension as contrasting arguments try to sway voters. Media saturation can cause confusion and even arguments. With the mix of planets in Mutable signs, Gemini and Pisces give an emphasis of ideas that can shift, and arguments can seem circular and vague. In a large crowd, we get a build up of emotion and excited feelings. Groupthink saturates the crowd.
The weekend prior to the Democratic Convention could seem like the week prior to the Republican Convention; a lot of campaign news, rallies and then a surprise event. That was the Mars conjunct Uranus. Now in August Mars is joining with Jupiter, symbolizing opportunity for something new and broadening of horizons. Mars’ presents will to accomplish a big goal. Jupiter can offer new perspectives and different shared desires in Gemini. Acceptance of diversity.
Mercury is again under the Sun’s beams in late Leo and forming a square again to Uranus on the 17th, presenting some surprise situation calling for private meetings which force a decision that could be an abrupt change of direction.
The morning of Sunday the 18th, a formation of Venus in square to Jupiter and then opposed to Saturn This suggests a woman who has potential to gain position of power but must face difficult challenges and obstacles.
The Full Moon is early on August 19 at 27 Aquarius. (The same degree as the US Moon.) The opening of the Democratic Convention will be dramatic, emotional, and unexpected. The Full Moon peaks at 1:25 pm in Chicago, putting the Sun at the top of the Chart, in a square to Uranus, planet of sudden events is on the sunset place. The plan may be set for the process of the Convention, but something is likely to be disruptive and unsettling.
Jupiter and Saturn are the planets that represent the development and growth patterns of society. They started their current cycle on December 20, 2020, as they joined in the first degree of Aquarius. Their first square now marks a point of changing social systems. The real “elephant” in our current political drama is the cultural change that allows; One, a woman to run for President, and two, a woman of different than Caucasian ethnicity to run for President. Will this happen?
This is the week of the Democratic Convention in Chicago. The planetary picture is full of tension and a theme of patriotism. There are many things that reflect the historical 1968 Democratic Convention in the same city. Civil Rights and the Vietnam War were the causes for many of the demonstrations that became quite violent in the summer of ’68. Lyndon Johnson stepped down from running for another term, like the current situation. This upset the flow of choosing the candidate for the Democratic nomination.
The final week of August will be a period of digesting the events and trying to sort out our feelings. Mercury turns direct on the 28th and Venus opposes Neptune just before moving on to Libra, Venus’ home, and immediately harmonious aspect to Pluto. The summary of the sweeping events has the tone of completing a very confusing period to come to a more defined sense of direction and intention. Many planets in late degrees suggest ending and we have several of those in early September.
Do not let the political atmosphere sweep you up emotionally. Hold your personal course in this time of changes. Focus on the world you want to create.