End of June, as Cancer Sun Season heats up the news is full of stories of Water-element events, including the lack of water. As in one case in Quechan, Mexico where the ruins of a 16th century church become fully risen from the reservoir which covered it 60 years ago. The drought in Mexico and warming oceans are part of the climate news around the world. The mid- and southwest states have been experiencing damaging tornadoes and large-sized hail thunderstorms. It is hurricane season in the oceans. Extreme weather events are becoming more powerful and frequent. This is our first view of Saturn in Pisces which will last until 2026.
As we begin July with a Saturday, the Moon is almost full in the adventurous and fun-loving sign of Sagittarius. Thousands of Americans will be starting the Fourth of July party early. The Full Moon is on Monday, July 3, will be making these summer nights spectacular when the weather is clear for this next week.
This American holiday, with the Full Moon in the pragmatic Earth sign, Capricorn, is likely to reinforce polarized issues that are relative to the last 3 years of politics and government policies. Information is flowing out from whistleblowers that stir the masses with shocking information. Neptune is square to the Full Moon, so many events will go unreported widely, or attention diverted away, ensuring that the public is unaware of certain events that could cause rebellion. Neptune is about things that are foggy, unclear, undefined, confusing, or misleading. Neptune was the god of the Oceans, so expect more news about climate and weather. In addition, Saturn, ruler of Capricorn is retrograde now in early Pisces, also about the ocean and water.
The middle week of July will have tense energy on the 10th when Mercury, planet of information, intelligence, commerce, dialogue, agreements, deals, and negotiation, will pass opposed to Pluto, planet of power and oligarchs, UN-earthed secrets, among other things. Mercury was conjunct Pluto last Christmas, a time many things were initiated. The opposition highlights and exposes information that was previously suppressed.
Mars and Venus were very close in the last week of June. This time was good for friendship and romance in general. It looked like they would join which promotes peace in the world. For now, Mars is faster, and Venus is at her farthest away from the Sun and at her brightest. Venus turns retrograde July 22, on the 28th degree and the fixed star, Regulus: star of royalty.
Venus signifies things of value that add quality, and ‘juice’ to life, the sweetness of love and of feminine qualities. The retrograde period of Venus can have us review past loves, revisit old friendships, and adjust our feelings of love and expectations. Women’s rights are the hot topic of Venus in Leo. Also, respect for all people without judgement of who they love. ‘Pride’ is a Venus in Leo theme.
By the end of the week, the potential for serious debate and negotiation with Mercury in a compromise aspect to Saturn trying to find solutions. The Sun is in a pleasing communication aspect with Uranus, calling for revolutionizing change through innovative ideas and techniques. The Moon in Gemini helps with rapid exchanges and flowing ideas.
The New Moon is July 17, at 24 degrees of Cancer in opposition to Pluto retrograde and crossed by the Nodal axis moving to 29 Aries/Libra, degree of the April 20 Eclipse. This lunation is on the USA Mercury, which governs national debt and the debts owed from international relationships. This highlights military spending goals. The national horoscope contains the same Mercury opposition to Pluto that is re-energized now through the end of the year. This may be an important turning point in USA finances at the global level.
This also could be a day for major events in the big world picture. This is a setup for the upset of governments and exposure of powerful persons. Mercury and Pluto are the planets of espionage, spying, secrets and lies, discoveries and coups. As a theme of the times, world leaders have relationships in ways the public is unaware of the powerful backroom powers and controls. Exposure of ties is going to change the trust and support of elected government leaders.
On Thursday, July 20, Mars will oppose Saturn, now retrograde, and the Moon moves into Virgo joining Mars by evening time. This can be fussy energy of dissatisfaction and discontent. Overnight, the Sun opposes Pluto fanning the flames of a bigger challenge. In personal relationships, this is going to be a difficult weekend as Venus stations retrograde on Saturday. The themes of opposition and objection are strong.
On Sunday, the 23rd, Mercury (communications) is challenging Uranus (independence) to a duel. This could be the time to let the situation go if you are not up for a stubborn match. But the truth could come out of this over the next week, as the bits of latest information rise to the surface of confusing dialogues.
Mercury and Venus meet, and things become more peaceful and decided on the 27th. The Leaders find resolutions to problems and make compromises. The last days of July have the growing Moon in Capricorn and people can feel purposeful and be working to complete projects, determined to overcome obstacles, and rejections.
The next Full Moon is in Aquarius on August 1. I will tell you all about it next month.